Friday, November 13, 2015

Me and the Boys Night

Pam decided to go to Indianapolis this weekend, and she has good reason to do so.  One of her BFF's recently gave birth to her second child, a darling healthy girl.  I know Pam has been really excited to meet her.  Fortunately, she will be back tomorrow.  So it's just me and the boys tonight. 

They are both in bed and fell right to sleep.  I must have worn them out.  So I thought I'd take a few minutes and blog a little bit.  Pretty uneventful evening really.  The boys always get more liberties when it's just me caring for them.  We all eat dinner while watching reruns of America's Funniest Home Videos.  I enjoy watching them both crack up over silly things, or simultaneously yelling "OOOUUUCHHH!!!", when they see someone get hurt.  Sully has picked up our catch phases very quickly, and he doesn't miss a beat.  Us boys don't get these opportunities very often, so I make it fun for all of us.  I'm usually the law enforcer around the house, and it's nice to let loose and have fun. 

Emerson is set on being strong and in shape, so he ran around and did exercises in reps of five.  These included, lunges, push-ups, squats, jumping-jacks, and one legged hops.  He's about 1% body fat, so I'm not sure what is driving his fitness regiment.  I do wish I had the energy and drive he has right now.  I'd be in a lot better shape.  Sully ran around finding random objects and tossing them in the air.  Several came right back down and hit him in the head.  He started making a game of it until the harmonica nailed him right in the temple with the sharp metal corner.  This led to the routine of putting him down for the night.

Earlier, our neighbor came by to grade our 1/4 mile long gravel driveway.  I provide him with lots of Salmon, and he grades our driveway.  It works out really nicely, especially since Pam doesn't like the look, touch, smell or idea of fish.  She thinks they are gross.  They probably think us air breathing, dry bodied, long limbed creatures, who trick them in to biting sharp fake fish are gross.  That doesn't stop the big ones from eating us... LOL. 

I gave him about 10lbs of salmon the other day when I asked him to do the work.  Today I asked if he needed more, and he said, "Yes!". 

I was kind of surprised that he went through 10lbs already, it had only been a couple days ago.  So I said, "Wow, it must have been good!". 

He said, "Yeuup (he's from the UP), It must have been......(long silence)......I left it in the bucket of the tractor, and the turkeys went to town on it." 

He has about 6 turkeys that are pets and wander around his property.  I didn't realize turkeys like raw fish, but I'm not surprised.  They'll peck at anything.  They were probably more interested in the plastic bag than the fish.  So I told him I'll bring some more over this weekend.

The boys sure enjoyed watching the tractor work.  They both love the sound of the 1950's era John Deere tractor.  Sullivan would have ran right under the tires if you let him.  Some things, like the fires on a Hibachi grill table, scare him to death, while others, like a 3 ton noisy tractor, are like moving lollipops. 

I don't have a lot to talk about relating to the adoption at this time.  We are waiting to hear back from the Bulgaria on final approval of our referral.  We can't start the home study until our agency has all the paperwork filed with Bethany, who is the organization who will do our home study and after adoption support.  Having the home study completed will open doors for us to apply for more grants, as it is a requirement for most grants and fundraising organizations. 

Being in the waiting phase of the adoption process has it's benefits.  It allows us to come back to reality, and to process the gravity of the situation.  We have contacted another family in Florida, who in the last year or so adopted a 14 year old Bulgarian girl, and we are anxious to speak with them.  They are not able to speak with us for a few weeks, as they are leaving next week to go back to Bulgaria to adopt another child.  They are living proof and testimony that it can work, which is nice to know.  We are very excited to speak with them about their journey.

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